Thursday, May 15, 2008


If your stamps look like this:

Then you don't need these:

Really wish I would have remembered this before I wasted 7 cents. I also wasted 15 minutes of my life waiting in line at the post office. Dumb stupid stamps.


Me said...

I bought them like forever ago and completley forgot! But I'll remember now. I don't use stamps that much though, this was a rare event.

ChiTown Girl said...

Sadly, I have yet to join the rest of the world who pay their bills on-line. I still do everything by snail mail. I buy stamps every other week at Jewel when I buy groceries. Maybe by 2010 I'll join the rest of you!

TTQ said...

The post office is evil. Try and see if you can get in a debate with them , win and ever see your mail again.. Power hungry employees with a penchant for going all mental.

Me said...

Today when I was at the post office I was on my cell phone (which I know is rude) but I put the person on hold while I was getting stamps. The clerk says, "You should really get an ear piece for your phone." I was like, Ok thanks for that little piece of 'totally not your business' advice!

They have a God complex.

Suzanne said...

OMG. I forgot about the stamps changing again....
I have mail sitting and ready to go out with old stamps. You saved the day for me!