Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lack of Food

I'm weeding through the kitchen cabinets trying to get rid of a lot of nonsense crap so there's been stuff all over the countertops for days. I decided to tidy up so I started putting things away and became very frustrated when the George Forman Grill didn't fit in the refrigerator!! Why the hell I tried to shove that thing in there I have no idea. It's now 5:01 and I only had a bowl of Cinnamon Life Cereal all day so that could be why. I'm not on a hunger strike I swear, I've just been going all day and realized that I think I might need some food.


Suzanne said...

The grill would fit in the fridge if you took out your running shoes...Hello?
I hope you have eaten by now....

ChiTown Girl said...

my sweet friend, you can NOT afford to be missing meals!! go dig into that PMS stash! :)