Monday, May 19, 2008

Momism via telephone

"Ashton Kutner is on Jimmy Kimble tonight."


Stephanie said...

Your mom sounds like my dad.

You know the hair "style," the MULLET? He calls it a MALLET.

And Cold Stone Ice Cream... that's Stone Cold.

I always think he's kidding me, but he's really that... let's go with "precious."

Justin said...

Ah two of my favourite things! Momisms and Ashton Kutcher!

Maggie said...

Gotta love mom! My mom called Johnny Depp Johnny Peep.

Me said...

OMG Johnny Peep is one of the funniest things ever! I may have to share that one with my MOM - Though she'll probably say, "Isn't that his name?"

Anonymous said...

My mom called Starbucks "Starbuckles". And Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh was Eyesore. That's how she read it anyway...

Anonymous said...

You should compile a book of your Mums sayings, so funny! My grandfather is 86 and has just discovered the internet he said last week,
"I asked the google, but it didn't know!". It's our fav family saying now....Ask the google!

Me said...

I LOVE reading everyone else's family-isms! They are a riot!!

Leish: I told Tom about your Grandpa "asking the google" and not even 5 minutes later we were having a conversation about how much something we were thinking of getting for our house would cost and he says, "Ask the google!" We are seriously going to use this from now on. Again...You are Boobs.