Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tom had a bad day...

F*cking Vandals.


Gberger said...

Are you serious? Did someone do that to Tom's vehicle? I am so sorry! What an awful feeling.
God bless you.

Me said...

Yeah in a parking lot. But thankfully nothing was taken. I think someone must have come up after the vandals smashed so they weren't able to grab. Just a major inconvenience until we get it fixed. Can't really go many places with this car so we're sort of sharing mine for now.

Me said...

Oh and thanks for your blessings Karen. It is an awful feeling but it could have been a LOT worse. I'm just glad Tom wasn't anywhere close when it happened.

Suzanne said...

So sorry.
That is so dissapointing when people act like idiots.
Good luck w/ the repairs

ChiTown Girl said...

I want to find the a$$holes who did this and BTFFI!!!!

Christina said...

Whoa. I'm sure whoever did this is all of 15 years old and thinking it's cool.