Monday, November 03, 2008

A Letter to the Sun

Dear Sun,

We need to talk.

It seems like we don't see each other as much as we used to and I'd like to go back to the way we used to be. Is that possible? Are you willing to be more present in our relationship? I can't be the only one reaching out. You must make more of an effort to come out and see me. I'm always ready, willing and waiting, day after day, but...

you're never there.

We used to see each other over 320 days a year and now, all of the sudden you just disappear?? Why? It's not fair.

I'm not sure what happened yesterday. It seemed like you were making an effort, but then, as soon as I ran home to change my clothes and grab your glasses you went away. Why must you tease me so? Even at 4.5 billion years old, you still act immature at times.

I know back in California there may have been some days where I took you for granted. But it was only a few weekend mornings here and there in a midst of a hangover. Sometimes your bright rays would beam me in the eyes and on occasion, I may have even shouted at you and for that I do apologize. Please don't hold that over my head now. Or wait, please do. I don't know, either way, will you please just hang over my head???

I miss your warmth, I miss your beauty, I miss your energy. I miss you.

And it's not just me. The undersigned would like to see you again too and each wrote a personal message:

1) Tom - "Uh hello??? GOLF???"
2) Wrigley - "Mommy says my wet fur stinks and that hurts my feelings."
3) Chumley - "I could give a rat's ass if I ever see you again."
4) Our convertibles - "It's only a matter of time before we're up on craigslist."
5) The plant - "Help."

We used to have a lot of fun together, Sun. I'll never forget all the good times and I just want some more. I don't think that's too much to ask. You know where I live, so please, stop by and see me.

Oh, one last thing. I wasn't going to tell you this, but you leave me no choice. In your absence I have to resort to this. I don't mean to make you jealous because NO ONE can take your place. It's just that I'm starting to go a little cRaZy.

Until then...

A little song for you


Your #1 Worshipper


Anonymous said...

If it works for you, I'm getting one.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Very funny. I mean, not funny, but still it is funny, the letter.
I hope it helps.

lizziebelle said...

Gberger said...

Dear Chumley,
I got your message. I knew you liked me; you were just playing hard to get, you sly boy. Well, two can play at that game...

Clippy Mat said...

my kinda man.
way to diss the sun there boy.
you tell him.

HWHL said...

Awwww... this is very cute.
I'm sure the sun will be more attentive to your needs now.

HWHL said...

Hey Chumley,
Love the 'tude. :-)
(Tell your mommy we need some new video of you scowling and growling at the camera.)

JO said...

LOL! Your so funny! I hope your letter is recieved with a warm response! Your poor plant! :)

Laurie Brandriet Keller said...

That is the cutest sweetest letter. Sending rays your way. xoxo.

Christina said...

I can't believe how non-existent the sun is there!! I wish I could send some rays your way.